Eden...our curious little baby. Mommy was preparing dinner and had just put it into the oven when little Eden came crawling into the kitchen. Now for some reason our oven when it's, "on" the oven light automatically turns on, there is no way to turn the light off.
So there was dinner in all it's "glory" just in view of Eden's crawling height. She saw the light on and wanted a closer look so she grabbed the oven to pull herself up and started screaming in a horrible bloody-murder type way. I picked her up and instantly saw the flesh peeling off of her hands!
Now in the good ol' US of A you CAN grab the outside or the oven and it will not scorched the life out of your hands...Not in Hungary! The outside is only a piece of see-through glass, offering no insulation (which I think will be bad for our electric bill!) So the outside gets just as hot as the inside!! the glass was about 350 degrees! Little Eden's hands were on the glass for a mere 2 seconds but by the looks of her hands you would think much longer!
We called our closest friends here in Hungary who have 3 children of there own, (good thing we had a phone, last week we didn't! which means Andy would have been taking a 10min. run in the snow to their house!) and they immediately rushed over while calling the ER and local doctor. We packed up Novie and Eden shoved them in the car with a screaming Eden wrapped in a blanket.
We dropped Novie off and rushed to Nagykata one town over. Now this is the amazing part, (yes, there is an amazing part), we got to the ER rushed her right into a room where the doctor was waiting to see her! He examined her without waking her up, talked through the diagnosis 1st degree burns on the right hand 2nd degree on the left, told us how to treat them, what to watch out for, when to contact the pediatrician, how to use the medicine and how often, wrote a prescription, and sent us off all in 15min! Now if we were in American we would still be in the line for registration!!
7 of her fingertips are fried with blisters and the left palm got the deepest burn resulting in numerous layers of blisters. Several have popped to reveal new ones and pink tender skin. We are watching them closing for infection and bleeding. She is crawling around like nothing is wrong and taking her treatments and cleanings like a champ. The left hand is gauzed up during the day to keep fuzz from the carpet and dirt from the floor out of the sticking tender new skin.
Hopefully by the end of the week there will be a big improvement.
Also, we went to the 24 hour pharmacy and got our prescription in about 10min. we didn't have to feel out any paperwork at the hospital or pharmacy...AMAZING, we did all of that in about an hour.
this is amazing! I'm so sorry I wasn't here and I couldn't help. God is soo good! Praying for her!
Hey Tabitha,
I'm sorry to hear about Eden's boo boo. Kiss her and Novie and tell them Aunt Wanda loves them. Glad ya'll are all adjusting well to life in Hungary. Start praying on how to get me over there for a visit! Tell Andy hi for me.
Poor girl! I'll be praying for a swift recovery, and that it will never happen again! That has to be rough, when her mode of transportation depends on those very hands to get her around! Praise God is wasn't any worse!
Hope Eden is feeling better! Can't wait for our day out tomorrow.
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