Friday, January 21, 2011

I want to be a blessing

As you know one of my New Year's "Resolution's" is to sew more clothing for my girls, hopefully one item each per month as the need arises. So as I sort through the outgrown clothes this week, I am deeply blessed with memories of all the friends and family who have provided for us all these years. I can name all the kid's and families who have handed down their clothing to Eden and Novie all the individuals who have bought us clothes, shoes, made hair bows, blankets, dresses, pillows, matching outfits and winter snowsuits. I pray that as I sew these clothes for my girls that in the years to come I will no hoard them away for the sake of memories but will hand them also to other young girls to play and make their own memories in. I was often blessed to tears as women handed me their newborn baby items, toddler dresses, toys, blankets and bedding. I was always surprised what "troopers" they were to hand-me-down their children's items to bless another young missionary mommy. I remember when we were leaving for Hungary and I sold our 2 cribs..I cried. I also cried as we packed up about 10 plastic trash bags of toys, clothes, bedding, baby items, bottles, diaper bags etc etc and gave them away to another young family. It was hard having to say "bye" so fast to the baby stage. But as I sew clothing, take measurements, let the girls pick their own fabric and embellishments, watch the sheer joy on their faces when they see the completed item that they help pick out,I think it may be even harder for me to pass it on, but I am determined I will not get "weepy-eyed" (ok, maybe I will) but I will start passing on my hand-made items to other little girls, and be a blessing to younger mommy's like others did for me.

So, with all that said here are some more tunic like shirts that are extremely versatile. I think you will be seeing this style alot but in many slightly altered variations. I wonder you will get them next...

1 comment:

Julie said...

So, did you use a tutorial for these?